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I would like to inform you below about the fascial distortion model (FDM) that I am applying to you.
What is FDM:
Therapy applied under the name FDM is a completely new form of pain treatment and the term consists of three words (in Latin):

Fascia : Connective tissue structure covering the entire body. In terms of FDM therapy, it is the key to the diagnosis and treatment of all the conditions of the body.
Distorsio : Bending and twisting.
Model : A clinical model based on empirical observations.
The FDM model is an effective medical method for pain treatment and it is applied manually. The FDM method, which was developed by the American Osteopath / Dr. Stephan Typaldos... is a completely new and highly effective modality for the treatment of a number of disorders / pains. The difference between traditional therapies and FDM is that the patient's own perceptions, sensations and body language are taken into account in the demonstration of the complaints.
Dr. Typaldos witnessed the use of the same words and body language in describing patients' complaints during medical practice. The reasons for this phenomenon are the following six different problems::